Freight traffic
Cargo Ship
Truck shipping
Lorry Traffic

Press / News

The outstanding quality of our service was once again confirmed in the latest quality audit.

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We are currently supporting the "Moor Renaturation" project of the Schleswig Holstein Nature Conservation Foundation and present our Green Logistics…

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DS Spedition - Donation: setting a good example ...

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BAUMA has once again opened its doors and, as the world's largest trade fair of its kind, is the innovation driver of the industry. With over 4000…

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A new logistics challenge for the DS-Spedition! The demand of the customer was to deliver 9 CAT crawler excavators Type RH 170B with a rock…

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The DS-Spedition as a specialist for project business was instructed by an international customer to supply a cement factory to one of the most…

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DS Spedition Munich has been awarded the Certificate "Tested Customer Satisfaction".

The seal is only available in German language.

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DS Spedition delivers steel components for a state-of-the-art power plant in western Siberia

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We assume social responsibility

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Solving highly complex logistics challenges needs extensive experience! Particularly in conflict areas after natural disasters logistics is the main…

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