Freight traffic We have been offering impressive forwarding services for over 40 years
Cargo Ship We are professionals in combined freight transport
Truck shipping We find solutions for your logistical challenges
warehouse We organize your warehouse and project logistics
Lorry Traffic

We have been providing forwarding services for our customers for over 40 years.

As a certified European freight forwarding and logistics service provider, we have extensive experience and specialist knowledge of the entire logistics chain. With more than 5,000 Europe-wide transports every month, we understand the requirements of our customers.

Our expertise in warehousing, order picking and the distribution of your goods throughout Europe will convince you. Individual project logistics is the combination of our special knowledge in the areas of logistics and truck transportation.

Our employees speak the local language and are familiar with the conditions in the respective countries. This ensures that your goods are always in the best hands.

We look forward to welcoming you as a customer and convincing you of our services.